Goula Gals is a community of likeminded women and moms focused on efficient and effective wellness and lifestyle solutions. Why 'Goula' you might ask? Well...

Gula (goo-la) noun; babylonian goddess of healing

Doula (doo-la) noun; birth assistant and after birth supporter

When we combine the two we get Goula Gals who are all about health, strength and support for one another!

Join Our Community

Goula Gals is a community of likeminded women and moms focused on efficient and effective wellness and lifestyle solutions. Why 'Goula' you might ask? Well...

Gula (goo-la) noun; babylonian goddess of healing

Doula (doo-la) noun; birth assistant and after birth supporter

When we combine the two we get Goula Gals who are all about health, strength and support for one another!

Join Our Community
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Who Is Goula Gals?

About Us

The Goula Gal Experience. 

Learn in person with hands-on instruction. From personalized training sessions to workshops with other women and moms to multi-day all-inclusive Getaways where you can reset and revitalize with other like-minded women...we have experiences to fit all needs.

Personal Training
Goula Getaways
Online Training

OR Get Results From Home Using Erin's Online Program

Is Pain Getting In Your Way?

Does your busy schedule ever get interrupted by any of these annoying "Mom-moments"?

  • Periodic bouts of SCIATICA
  • Chronic or recurring BACK PAIN
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Embarrassing Secrets?

Do you accept any of the following as a normal part of your motherhood journey?

  • Leaking when running or jumping
  • Diastasis Recti
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Prolapse
Try Our Online Programs

The GoulaFIT Solution


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Knowledge is Power

Our GoulaFIT program will help you understand your body in a completely new way. Through simple, efficient educational lessons, learn why rehabilitating from pregnancy and delivery - whether 6 weeks or 16 years later - is so important. You'll discover how the daily activities of our modern lives contribute to additional breakdowns, and how you can fight back. Knowledge is power and the first step to doing things in a new way!

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5 Star Breath Circle

Breath is life and we do it all day long without even thinking about it.  However, when we choose to do it in a particular way our breath can be a powerful tool to facilitate muscular activation throughout the entire torso. GoulaFIT's 5 Star Breath Circle helps balance muscular tension and improves function and coordination of the diaphragm and pelvic floor, creating a more balanced foundation for more superficial chains of muscles.

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Movement & Postures

GoulaFIT applies the 5 Star Breath Circle to postures and movement, training your body to move in a new, more structurally supported way.  In combination with the muscularly integrated postures and movements from Foundation Training, the 5 Star Breath Circle develops increased strength, stamina, stance and movement efficiency that you can apply to anything and everything you love to do in life!

FREE Video Tutorial

The 5 Star Breath Circle is a specific sequence of breathing techniques and arm positions designed to integrate the muscles of the deep core. Help support your pelvic floor and increase muscular tension along the front of your body.

Check It Out